Features |
Number of CPU Cores @ 2.2 Ghz (or higher) on Intel Xeon or AMD Zen/EYPC CPUs | 8 |
Memory | 12 GB |
Storage | 200 GB |
Additional / Backup Storage | 60 GB |
Internet Transit Traffic Quota / Month | Unmetered or optional 4TB Quota with over-quota usage at $0.05/GB |
IP Address | 2 |
Available Operating Systems |
FreeBSD, CentOS, Fedora, Debian & Ubuntu. Scientific Linux, Open SUSE and others. Operating System Licensing & Keying is client responsibility. Windows Server 2012, 2016 and 2019 available through additional monthly service. |
Support | |
Expert System Administration for your Hosted Server | |
Access Power & Reset Buttons and Web Console |
Price and Payment |
Over-Quota Network Fee | $0.01 / GB sent or received |
Billing cycle | Monthly |
Terms of Notice | 1 Month |
Setup Fee | $0.00 AUD inc GST |
Monthly Fee | $75.00 AUD inc GST |